Monday, June 21, 2004

The Wonder of a Mid-Day Waltz

As I worked through my usual weight training routine at our local community college fitness center, I decided to finish up with a little cardio work on the treadmill. The treadmill I use faces a common area leading to other parts of the campus, and it is entertaining to watch folks going about their business beyond the fitness center windows. Time flies when there is something of interest to focus on other than the endless drone of the treadmill motor. As I trudged along, two people came into view, and I witnessed something that, in one small moment, lifted my mood for the rest of the day.

They were a thirty-something man and woman, walking toward one another from opposite directions, seemingly lost in thought. Suddenly they looked up, walked quickly to each other and embraced. Then, in an easy and effortless movement, they began a graceful dance, almost a waltz, on the walkway. It was 11 o’clock in the morning, already 100 degrees outside, and there they were, dancing without music in the heat of the bright mid-day sun. It only lasted a minute. Then, they touched each other’s face, parted, and continued on their separate ways. As they retreated away from each other, both were gracefully swinging their arms wide, bring their hands together in a slow motion clap with each step. I saw the expression on the woman’s face as she walked past the window. It was one of exhilaration. I was sure that the man, who had gone the other way, had the same look on his face.

I am normally not a fan of public displays of affection, but this short encounter was just so charming that it made me wonder about the couple and their relationship. They seemed so easy with each other, and their movements were so similar; they must have been more than just casual friends or coworkers. Perhaps lovers? Or spouses? Or, dear old friends that had not seen each other for years? But then, why would they walk away after such a short time together and with so little conversation? I continued to contemplate this while finishing my routine, and suddenly I had an aching feeling of wistfulness, remembering times long gone and the so very few who had been able to lighten my step and make me smile with something as small as a chance encounter on an ordinary day.

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